fregio frontespizio libretto 'La Cleopatra' di Dall'Angelo 1662


- I nostri amici di San Francisco -


..e "La Cleopatra"

un opera musicata da DANIELE da CASTROVILLARI


- Our friends from San Francisco -


..and "La Cleopatra"

an opera composed by DANIELE da CASTROVILLARI



A quattrocento anni dalla nascita di Daniele...

Mentre tentavo, per pura passione e diletto all'inizio di quest'anno (2014), la trascrizione in notazione moderna del manoscritto di quest'opera dimenticata "La Cleopatra", scaricato dal sito della grande Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana di Venezia , grande è stato il piacere e l'emozione logo - Ars Minervanello scoprire che ben altri appassionati, autentici artisti professionisti competenti e capaci, stavano quasi contemporaneamente facendo la stessa cosa dall'altro capo del mondo, in San Francisco: i componenti di ARS MINERVA.

Questa pagina è stata inserita perchè condividiamo quanto afferma Céline Ricci, fondatore e Direttore Artistico di Ars Minerva, in un suo messaggio ai sostenitori dell'iniziativa:

Dear Friends,
Thank you so much for you help, trust and enthusiasm! Thanks to your support, our Kickstarter has reached the amount of $ 8,934!!! We are totally overwhelmed by the success of this campaign which we dedicate to you.
Your participation in bringing back to life La Cleopatra, forgotten since 1662, is very special to us. We are making history together and sharing an amazing musical, cultural and human adventure. We are so thrilled and grateful that you have joined our cause!
Again, thank you for your wonderful support and great help.
Warm regards,
Céline Ricci and the whole Ars Minerva team.
16 dicembre 2014

Oltre al proprio sito web Ars Minerva usa anche i maggiori social network per promuovere le proprie iniziative:

  • logo - Ars Minerva
  • Ars Minerva su facebook
  • Ars Minerva su Twitter

Ecco la prima video-presentazione della loro iniziativa:

Ancora un bel video per il lancio della raccolta fondi per la messa in scena de "La Cleopatra":
Still a nice video for the launch of fundraising for the staging of "La Cleopatra":

Anche noi abbiamo dato una piccola collaborazione alla raccolta fondi per la messa in scena de "La Cleopatra" stampando e diffondendo, in accordo con Ars Minerva, un volantino, a Castrovillari e zone limitrofe, in vari formati in un paio di centinaia di copie contattando Enti, Associazioni e privati cittadini :

Ed ecco finalmente un originale volantino di Ars Minerva con l'annuncio della prevendita dei biglietti per la prima mondiale de "La Cleopatra":

Tickets are now on sale



Four hundred years after the birth of Daniele...

Ars Minerva ...step by step (some tweet) to staging of La Cleopatra

20 ott.2013 How exciting to open a forgotten score...
28 ott. 2013 Would you like to the Opera with your own mask, like in Venice during the baroque period? Be totally anonymous?
19 nov 2013 We had a great time going through some scenes of La Cleopatra...Very contrasted characters...The thrill of discovery!
15 dic 2013 Off to Venice!
31 dec. 2013 We wish all of you a very happy New Year!
24 mar.2014 Today we had our first Project Presentation Event! We are very grateful to our amazing hosts and to their friends.
22 apr. 2014 Tomorrow off to Venice for more music researches!
30 mag 2014 Creating masks for our next event on June 13...
14 giu 2014 Here is the final result! This black mask is called Moretta. Mariko Aida & Francesca Morabito
19 giu 2014 Some pictures of our June 13 Carnival Series presentation event :)
24 giu 2014 Design ideas for our Cleopatra written by D da Castrovillari in 1662. His music might bring him back! By Shirin Amouei
3 lug 2014 A pic showing our work on making a modern score of our Cleopatra out of the manuscript and the libretto. Tough!
25 lug 2014 Cleopatra and Marc Antonio hairstyle in 32 BC! Very inspiring for our 1662 La Cleopatra design...
5 ago 2014 Many thanks to George and Patricia Lundberg for hosting our benefit concert and thanks to our sponsor Al Mare Gelato!
26 ago 2014 Here are some pictures of our August 3 Benefit Concert, kindly hosted by George and Patricia Lundberg
5 set 2014 More design brainstorming for our upcoming La Cleopatra by Daniele da Castrovillari 1662. Design by Shirin Amouei.
2 ott 2014 Tomorrow presentation of the Carnival Series project at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music!
5 nov 2014 On March 14th and 15th at the Marines' Memorial Theater in San Francisco. Tickets available on City Box.
12 nov 2014 Dear Friends, we've just launched our Kickstarter campaign! Please, support our project:…
21 nov 2014 We would like to warmly thank the City of Castrovillari for their patronage. Thanks for your support!
- And this thanks to @amminDanieledaC who did everything for this Collaboration!
- Thank you @amminDanieledaC for your help and for having introduced us to the City of Castrovillari.

6 dic 2014 Ars Minerva is on Tele Castrovillari…
10 dic 2014 We have reached our goal on @kickstarter thanks to our wonderful backers! We are adding a stretch goal!…
17 dic 2014 Thanks to all the backers that have donated to our @kickstarter Campaign. We are immensely grateful!
20 dic 2014 We've just received our flyers! Very beautifully done by Patricia Nardi member of our creative team.




abito usato dai frati conventuali incipit dell'aria 'Amanti Costanti' dal manoscritto 'La Cleopatra' musicato da Daniele da Castrovillari / Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana Venezia